Use the form to send through for a Fishing Vessels Port Entry Request
The unique identifier assigned to a request to enter port
The unique identifier that is issued by the Vessel / Company for the vessel trip
Permit License # that was issued
Regional Access License Number from PNA
Please check which license(s) are held by the vessel
How many people are on board the vessel?
Details of the Fishing Company
Who is captaining the vessel
The port the vessel last departed from
The date of departure from the last port
Why is the vessel coming into port
Port the vessel is requesting entry inot
Estimated date of entry into port
Estimated time of entry into port
The position of the vessel in decimal degrees format. Click for a GPS Converter
How much catch is on board the vessel in metric tons?
How much catch is to be transshipped in metric tons?
Please provide the following documents - Catch Log Sheet - Crew List - Hatch Plan - Voyage Memo - Bunker Receipts - Vessel Particulars Certificate - Last Port Departure Clearance Certificate - COVID-19 PCR Test result for all crew onboard
Please ensure the documentation is in English or it has an English translation. The application will be sent back otherwise.
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.